Parking Lot Notes

September 8, 2020

Dear Parents/Families:

Please see note below from Paulette Murphy, the world’s greatest school parking lot attendant:

Hello everyone,

Well, we’re back to it tomorrow and I’m super excited to see all the children returning and to meet the new children beginning their schooling at Beachy Cove Elementary. 

For the new people coming to BCE, I’m one of the crossing guards at this wonderful school. 

As excited as we all will be tomorrow, safety will be of the utmost importance! I know there will be parents/guardians who need to drop their children off and get to their next destination quickly, but please remember enter the parking lot slowly and safely and keep driving ahead as far as you can to the end of the Kiss and Ride lane and stop. There will be parking lot attendants there to help you – just follow their instruction.  With COVID 19 regulations and policies still in place, we will not be able to help your child out of your vehicle. We can open the door for them, but as for unbuckling them/zipping up jackets/tying shoes/getting book bags and lunch bags out of vehicles, those things we cannot assist with anymore. So we ask that you have your child all ready to “tuck & roll” when you stop your vehicle, meaning that as soon as the door of the vehicle is opened, they are ready to exit the vehicle in a quick and safe manner. 

So for this to happen please do your goodbye rituals before you leave your home. And, this is a good time to check for book bags and lunch bags; check for permission slips/ lunch order notes; check for water bottles, check for indoor sneakers, face masks and hand sanitizer and anything else that your child will need to have a great day at school. 

We need our drop off to run smoothly and safely and this only happens with everyone’s help. If nanny or poppy, a friend, a neighbor or someone else is dropping off your children, please ensure that they are familiar with the ways things are done and how the Kiss and Ride lane works – we’ve had some serious incidents happen in the past when someone new is dropping a child off that are not familiar with how it all works. 

Time and a lack of parking lot space will not permit you to walk your child to the door. 

Let’s all work together and things will run smoothly. See you tomorrow morning – so excited to see the kiddies.  Much love to you all….


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