Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Dear Parents/Families:
We had a wondeful first day of school, despite being in the middle of a global pandemic. It was simply wonderful to see all of our eager learners just brimming with excitment to be back at their school with their friends, learning and making memories. Though it was a stressful time getting ready for our opening day, I think the relief we all feel this afternoon is palpable. The day went very smoothly from the very beginning, thanks to your support and cooperation and thanks to the immense assistance from the Town of Portugal Cove-St. Philip’s. (Truly, no other town supports its schools like our town! I know I keep saying that but I say it because it’s true!) Town staff will be onsite again tomorrow and Friday to help us ensure smooth operations.
The afternoon dismissal, though fairly successful, can be tightened up a little bit to ensure everyone’s safety and security. To that end, please note the following:
- Learners will be brought out to the front of the school and lined up behind the grade level signs on the front lawn;
- Parents/family members should wait on the sidewalk or on the pavement to allow our teachers free access to the line-ups;
- Parents and family members should not be on the grass/lawn in front of our classroom windows;
- Please wait for our learners to arrive at their designated area with their teacher before you call out to them or collect them from the teacher.
As time goes on and kindergartens begin to avail of bussing (starting on Monday coming) and extra capacity is added to our bussing (expected by the end of the month), this will settle out nicely.
Thanks again for your kind support and cooperation. We cannot do it without you.