The only products banned this year from our school are peanuts/tree nuts. Please be mindful of this as you are sourcing and packing lunch and recess snacks for your child(ren) as these allergies may be life threatening.
PD Days
We will be closed for teacher professional development on October 28 and October 29, 2020. Please note this in your family calendars.
Food Drive
We will conduct our annual Thanksgiving Food Drive during the week of October 5-9, 2020. We invite all of our families who are in a position to do so, to send along a non-perishable food item for donation to the Community Food Sharing Association (CFSA).
We will have boxes on tables in our foyer in which our learners can place their donations; these boxes will be picked up on Friday, October 9, 2020 by representatives from the CFSA.
Thank you for your generous support and please remember that we don’t track who brings in a donation and who does not – we’re all in different places when it comes to our ability to donate and we respect that very much.
School Photography
Because of restrictions surrounding the spread of Covid-19, our school photography program will not go ahead in the foreseeable future. If that changes as we wind our way through the year, we will advise accordingly.
Because of restrictions surrounding the spread of Covid-19, our in-school recycling program is suspended for the foreseeable future. If you would like to donate your recyclable beverage containers to our school, you may drop them at any Ever Green Recycling Depot in St. John’s and ask that they be credited to our account.
At present, we are unaware of what KinderStart might look like for our learners who will begin Kindergarten with us in September of 2021. The school district will be making an announcement about the shape of the program at some point in October.
Webcams and Mics for PCs
Mr. Shoemaker has asked me to ask our community if anyone has spare webcams and/or mics for PCs that you might like to donate to our school. These will be instrumental in running our annual ArtsSmarts program as we are not permitted to invite guests into our school. If you have questions or require further information, please connect with Mr. Shoemaker.