We extend a big Beachy Cove welcome to all of our new and returning learners and their families. We look forward to working and learning with you this year. Experience has shown us that the school year is one that rapidly passes us by, sometimes at a frenetic pace. We’re all on the same team at Beachy Cove and we’re delighted to have you with us. We pride ourselves on being an open, welcoming, and inclusive school and we invite you to communicate with us openly and honestly so that we can provide the best experiences possible for the learners in our care.
Social Media
Experience has also taught us that issues arise despite the best plans and intentions. When this happens, we sincerely invite you to contact your child’s teacher first (if it’s a classroom based issue) to discuss your concerns and then, if necessary, you are free to contact us at the office.
We, like you, don’t want our personal and professional reputations smeared all over Facebook where we are unable to respond. So, as a courtesy to us and as a symbol of respect for the work we do, we kindly ask that you refrain from posting your concerns to social media and contact us first so that we can work with you to address them. We’re here and we’re accessible – just reach out to us.
And, now to the good stuff…
Curriculum Night
We are really looking forward to meeting you all in a more relaxed setting next week at our annual Curriculum Night. We will get underway at 7:00pm on Thursday, September 13, 2018.
Please proceed directly to your child’s classroom when you arrive at the school. The presentation and discussion will take approximately one hour. If you have more than one learner with us, we recommend that you go to the highest grade level (chances are that you have already participated in a similar session for younger grade levels).
Breakfast Program
Our Kids Eat Smart Breakfast Club will start on September 19, 2018 for this school year. It is located in our cafeteria and it will be available every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. There is no charge and all of our learners are welcome to attend! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and we encourage everyone to participate. Parents, grandparents, caregivers and community members are welcome to volunteer for our Breakfast Club. You may also financially support our Breakfast Club by donating breakfast items or by making a donation at www.kidseatsmart.ca and designate your gift to Beachy Cove. Please contact our parent learner, Cherie Butler (cherbonn@me.com) for more information or to get involved.
Information Forms
You will notice several forms in your child’s school bag this evening. These include a print-out from our PowerSchool database (on a green sheet) which lists all of the demographic information we have on file for your child. Please check this form very carefully and note any changes. All of these demographic forms need to be returned, even if all of the information is accurate. (If your family is new to our school, you may not receive this particular form today as we haven’t yet entered all of the information from our newest families into the database.)
Other forms include courtesy seat applications, video-photo release, certificates of conduct from the RNC (this is a two-part application – please complete both or they will be returned), and emergency school closure protocol. It would be tremendously helpful to us if you could return all paperwork as soon as practically possible.
Courtesy Seat Applications
If you are hoping to rely on a courtesy seat on one of our school busses, it is essential that you have your completed applications to us by the end of the day on Friday, September 12, 2018. We will begin to process them next week and our goal is to have them completed by the end of September.
Transportation Requests & Concerns
The school district has developed an online method for submitting transportation requests and concerns that cannot be handled at the school level. To access this form, pease click on this link.
Safety & Security
We take the safety and security of our learners and staff very seriously and you have a role to play as well. We kindly ask that you check in at the office before you proceed to your child’s classroom or other areas of the school. We need to know who is in our building at any given time and checking in allows us to do just that. Thank you so much for adhering to this expectation.
Parent and family parking is limited to the row of parking spaces that are closest to Beachy Cove Road. The spaces in the middle of the parking lot are designated for school and district staff. Parking is also prohibited at the back of the school under any circumstance.