News & Notes, Volume 13, No. 7

Remembrance Day Assembly

We congratulate our learners in grade four who hosted our annual Remembrance Day assembly yesterday here at our school.  Their interpretation of Remembrance was beautifully poignant and so dignified and respectful.  Our veterans and the wider community should not worry about the continuation of these respectful ceremonies each year; it is one of great importance to us as a school community.  We believe it to be vitally important to mark Remembrance Day each year and we encourage all of our families to participate in our local ceremonies held at various war memorials throughout our region on Saturday, November 11, 2017 at 11:00am.  It will go a long way in solidifying the respect we owe to our veterans for the sacrifices they made so that we can enjoy our freedoms. 

Parent-Teacher Interviews

We are looking forward to our conversations with you about your child’s learning and achievement over the course of term I.  To that end, we have established our online appointment system through which you can make an appointment to see your child(ren)’s teacher(s).  Please point your web browsers to:


If you have difficulty making an appointment, please call one of our secretaries at 895-2241 for assistance.

Cafeteria Special

Our cafeteria has a customer appreciation special set for Tuesday, November 14, 2017.  The special consists of a pizza slice, cookie, and a milk for $4.50.  We are told that this price will be reflected in the online orders; however, if it isn’t, you can order the old-fashioned way through a piece of a paper with the correct change.

Eyeglasses Project
Since 2011, the PCSP Lions Club and BCE’s Environmental Agency have partnered to pre-process over 8000 pairs of eyeglasses for recycling and distribution around the world. Many of these are now being given out on Team Broken Earth missions to Haiti and Nicaragua by the Lions/Broken Earth vision partnership. WE NEED EYEGLASSES in every shape and form from children’s glasses to sunglasses to Dollar Store readers…even broken ones (they are crushed and sold to be used in highway paint!). To sweeten the pot, the class that brings in the most eyeglasses between November 20-24 will receive a pizza party compliments of the PCSP Lions Club.

Juvenile Diabetes

To show our support for our learners with Juvenile Diabetes and to raise awareness about this disease, we invite our learners and staff to wear blue on Tuesday, November 14, 2017.

Field Trips

We pride ourselves on supplementing classroom experiences with educational excursions to various sites within our region.  Please note the following as you prepare yourselves for these special events:


  • A signed consent form from parents is required in order for our learners to participate; we will no longer accept permission over the telephone. In the interest of avoiding disappointment and having you come to the school to sign the form on the day of the field trip, please be prompt in submitting the required forms.


  • Should teachers require parents to volunteer as chaperones, we require a current certificate of conduct with the vulnerable sector check completed. If this documentation is not in place, you may still attend the field trip; however, you may only chaperone your child.


Basketball Program

Our basketball program is up and running once again for our learners in grades three and four, thanks to our many dedicated parent volunteers.  If you have questions about the program, please direct them to or

50/50 Lottery

We will hold two 50/50 ticket lotteries this year, with the first draw being held on November 17, 2017 and the second one on December 15, 2017.  Funds raised from these initiatives will offset the costs associated with our ArtsSmarts program, BrainPop subscription, and our literacy and technology programs.

Thank you for your enthusiastic support of our first 50/50 lottery; sales are going very well.  If you would like to purchase/sell additional tickets, please call us at the school (895-2241) and we will happily provide some if we have any on hand.  Conversely, if you have tickets that you cannot sell, please return them promptly as we have others who may be waiting on them.

Telephone Messages

We will happily deliver any telephone messages to your children as long as they are received by 1:00pm; we are unable to guarantee delivery of messages received after 1:00pm.

Beachy Cove Mascot

We are in the final stages of planning to introduce our mascot, Pounce, to our school community.  Right now, we are waiting for his jersey to arrive so he can be fully decked out when he makes his debut.

In keeping with our mascot, we have redesigned our “gotcha” tickets that we have been handing out to our learners to acknowledge their good work in respecting themselves, others, learning, and the environment.  We now have Pounce Paws through which we will acknowledge these acts of respect.  And, we have also designed class Pounce Paws that will be awarded to whole classes for their good deeds.


We have many learners with life threatening allergies to peanuts and tree nuts. Consequently, peanuts, tree nuts, and products containing them, including peanut butter, are banned schoolwide.

You should also be aware that soy butter products which have been formulated to have the same consistency and taste as peanut butter is also banned.  This is to avoid any potential for confusion and mistakes in consumption by our learners with allergies.

Another of our young learners has a life-threatening allergy to sesame seeds; however, while we don’t have a ban on sesame seeds and products containing them, we strongly encourage our families to bear this in mind when shopping for and packing lunches and snacks for school.

We have another learner who has a life-threatening allergy to kiwi fruit; however, it is not an airborne allergen.  Consequently, kiwi fruit, like sesame seeds and products that contain them, are not banned but we encourage caution when packing them. 

Finally, cooked eggs (i.e., boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, fired eggs, poached eggs, egg salad sandwiches or in any other stand-alone form) are also banned.

All of the families affected by these allergens extend their thanks and appreciation to our entire school community for adhering to these expectations.


Our school, and many of our teachers, have active Twitter accounts.  We use this to communicate short bursts of timely information.   Our main school account (@beachycoveelem) has 2014 followers which means that this system works well.

If you don’t have an account, you are encouraged you to get one and follow us so that you can stay informed.

Late Students

We extend a big “Thumbs up!” to all of our learners and their families who arrive at school on time for the beginning of our instructional day.  Ensuring that we are at our desks, ready and organized for learning by 8:30am each morning is really an important life lesson that is reflective of promptness and respect for others as no one is interrupted by late arrivals.

Recycling Blitzes

We accept recyclable beverage containers at our recycling shed every Tuesday morning during morning arrival.  Thank you so much for your anticipated support and cooperation.

If you are interested in volunteering with us on our parking lot from 8:10am-8:30am each morning, please let us know as soon as possible.

Upcoming Events

Please note the following dates for various events scheduled for this year.  We reserve the right to change these dates with advance notice to you.

Term I Progress Reports Released – Monday, November 27, 2017;

Term I Parent-Teacher Interviews – Thursday, November 30, 2017 (school closes at 11:00am);

Professional Development Day (no school) – Friday, December 1, 2018

Grade 3/4 Christmas Concert – Thursday, December 7, 2017 at 1:00pm;

School Closes for Christmas – Friday, December 22, 2017 at 12:30pm;

School Re-Opens following Christmas Break – Monday, January 8, 2018 at 8:30am;

Grade Four Immunizations – Thursday/Friday, January 11-12, 2018;

Professional Development Day (no school) – Friday, February 9, 2018

Mid-Winter Break (no school) – Friday, February 16, 2018;

Mid-Winter Break (no school) – Monday, February 19, 2018 (yes, both days);

Education Week – February 18-24, 2018;

Skating Sessions (details to follow) – February 20-23, 2018;

KinderStart # 1 (no school for K) – Friday, February 23, 2018 (see all details at;

Term II Progress Reports Released – Monday, March 19, 2018;

Term II Parent-Teacher Interviews – Thursday, March 22, 2018 (closing at 11:00am);

KinderStart # 2 (no school for K) – Friday, March 23, 2018;

School Closes for Easter Vacation – Thursday, March 29, 2018 at 2:40pm;

School Re-Opens following Easter Break – Monday, April 9, 2018 at 8:30am;

Earth Day Assembly (grade three) – Friday, April 20, 2018 at 1:30pm;

KinderStart # 3 (no school for K) – Friday, April 27, 2018;

Art Day (details to follow) – Friday, April 27, 2018;

Spring Concert for grades 1/2 – Wednesday, May 9, 2018 at 1:00pm;

Kindergarten Spring Concert – Thursday, May 10, 2018 at 1:00pm;

Professional Development Day (no school)  Friday, May 18, 2018

Victoria Day (no school) – Monday, May 21, 2018;

KinderStart # 4 (no school for K) – Friday, May 25, 2018;

School Leaving Ceremony for Grade Four – Friday, June 1, 2018 at 1:00pm;

K-2 Sports Day – Tuesday, June 19, 2018;

3-4 Sports Day – Thursday, June 21, 2018;

Alternate Day for K-2 Sports Day – Friday, June 22, 2018

Alternate Day for 3-4 Sports Day –  Monday, June 25, 2018;

School Closes for the Year – Thursday, June 28, 2018 at 12:30pm.


A respectful community of leaders and learners. 

Une communauté de modèles et d’apprenants qui se respectent.


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